KRAMPUSNACHT; Wretched Yule.
KRAMPUSNACHT; Wretched Yule.
To The Pit presents:

KRAMPUSNACHT; Wretched Yule.

Miruthan, Van Diemen, Plague Dweller, Asura
The Hamilton Station Hotel (Islington, NSW)
Friday, 13 December 2024 8:00 pm
56 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists
Heavy Metal
Metal / Hard Rock

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On Krampusnacht, under a blood moon’s sinister gaze, the night erupts with a ritual of heavy riffs, blast beats, and guttural chaos.

Miruthan, the blackened death metal conclave of darkness, lead the sacrilege, rising like demons summoned from the abyss. Their guttural screams tear through the void, echoing the primal fear of Krampus himself, summoning an ancient fury of apocalyptic sonic assault. Cloaked in darkness, surrender to the onslaught, as a maelstrom of sound and fury consumes all light.

From the cold, cursed wilderness of Tasmania, Van Diemen emerge, weaving the forgotten tales of long-lost Tasmanian mythology into their melodic death/black metal, embodying the untamed spirits of Van Diemen's Land. 

Newcastle’s Plague Dweller unleash their ferocious and brutal, melodic heavy metal for the damned; a hymn for the forsaken souls who writhe in the shadows. 

Rounding out this dark corpse painted congregation is the savage, thrash-infused black metal fury of Sydney’s Asura, conjuring a storm of wrath and pandemonium. 

This night is no mere gig—it is a descent into darkness; a gathering of the wretched under the banner of Krampus, where the only absolution is found in the fire and brutality of blackened metal.